Get the Best Fractional Erbium YAG Laser Treatment in Islamabad

By creating microscopic wounds (400 microns) within targeted areas well beneath the outer layer of skin, fractional laser treatments trigger the body’s natural healing process. Also, fractional laser treatments accelerate the production of collagen and new healthy skin cells.

What is Erbium YAG Laser?

An erbium YAG laser is a special kind of laser that comes with a material called erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet. This material uses erbium in it, and the erbium makes the laser work. The laser emits light that we can’t see, and doctors often use it for medical treatments.

Unlike another laser called Nd: YAG, the light from an erbium YAG laser mostly gets soaked up by water. This means it’s not as handy in certain surgeries or other uses unless there’s water around. For instance, it’s good for treatments where there’s water in the target areas of our skin.

How Does Erbium YAG Laser Work?

Lasers work by emitting strong light on the treated areas. The light contains high energy which makes the skin warm enough to eliminate dead skin cells out of the skin.

What Does the Erbium YAG Laser Treat?

The erbium YAG laser addresses a range of skin concerns, including:

  1. Tuberous Sclerosis
  2. Birthmarks
  3. Acne Scarring
  4. Scarring
  5. Actinic Cheilitis
  6. Facial Lines and Wrinkles
  7. Nevus of Ota
  8. Rhinophyma

What is the Procedure for Erbium YAG Laser in Islamabad?

To start the erbium laser resurfacing treatment, you first need to have a meeting with a skin doctor. In this meeting, doctor will check the area you want to treat and talk about what you want to achieve with the treatment. Not everyone is suitable for this laser treatment because some people might have a higher chance of developing skin issues afterward. Doctors always put safety first for the patients.

Before the treatment, it’s advised to stay away from the sun and avoid using certain skincare products.

During the erbium laser resurfacing procedure, Doctor will clean your skin and numb the area with local anesthesia. Depending on how strong the laser needs to be, the Doctor might use other types of sedation to keep you comfortable. The time it takes for the procedure depends on the size of the area being treated. If it’s a small part of the face, it usually takes 30 to 45 minutes. But if the whole face needs treatment, it might take up to 2 hours.

After the treatment, the Doctor will cover the area with a special bandage that you should keep on for 24 hours. Your doctor will also give you instructions on how to take care of your skin as it heals.

Erbium YAG Laser Benefits

For some skin conditions, erbium YAG laser benefits are as follows:

  • It is accurate and targets particular tissues.
  • It requires no complex setup and is simple to use.
  • Because it causes minimal damage to the underlying tissue, there is less likelihood of skin color changes or redness following treatment.
  • The items it uses don’t come with a high cost.
  • Compared to other treatments like chemical peeling or dermabrasion, it is less intrusive.
  • After receiving it, you don’t need much time to recover.

Are There Any Erbium YAG Laser Treatment Side Effects?

After getting erbium YAG laser treatment, there can be some erbium YAG laser treatment side effects, but they’re usually not serious. Here are the possible erbium YAG laser treatment side effects:

Mild Side Effects

  • Small bumps called milia.
  • Making acne worse.
  • Skin irritation known as contact dermatitis.

Moderate Side Effects

  • Localized infections like herpes, impetigo, or candida.
  • Skin staying red for a longer time.
  • Dark spots on the skin after inflammation.
  • Delayed light spots on the skin.

Severe Side Effects

  • Normal scarring called fibrosis.
  • Raised and thick scarring called hypertrophic scarring.
  • Spreading infections like herpes or staphylococcal.
  • Eyelid rolling outward, known as ectropion.


The erbium YAG laser treatment may not be appropriate for you if you:

  • You have unrealistic expectations.
  • You may have a tendency to develop raised or thick scars.
  • As in scleroderma or burn scars, your skin has fewer structures such as follicles for hair and sweat glands.
  • You’ve previously had radiation treatment on your skin.

Am I a Good Candidate for Erbium YAG Laser Treatments?

The erbium YAG laser in Islamabad could be the right choice if you want to improve signs of aging, sun damage, or uneven skin color. Our doctors are ready to meet with you, check your skin in person, and make a plan that fits your needs and goals perfectly.


Yes, the erbium YAG laser is considered safe when performed by a trained professional, with a low risk of side effects.

While the effects can be long-lasting, they are not always permanent, and maintenance treatments may be necessary to maintain the erbium YAG laser benefits.

The patient is asked to apply numbing cream on the treated area about 40-60 minutes before the procedure starts.

Depending on the individual’s needs and concerns, various skin areas such as the face, neck, hands, and chest can be treated.

Improvement is usually obvious after the initial healing period, which varies depending on the intensity of the treatment.

Recovery time varies but is generally shorter than other types of laser treatments, with redness and swelling disappearing within a week or two.

The number of sessions required is determined by the specific skin condition being treated, and a personalized treatment plan will be developed during the consultation.

Long-term results can be obtained with proper skincare and sun protection, but individual responses may differ.

Downtime is typically minimal, but this varies depending on the intensity of the treatment; patients may experience redness and peeling during the initial healing phase.

It looks red. There might be some swelling.

Preferably no. But if it is very necessary, it can be applied and removed afterward with our DFA non-alcohol based makeup remover.

Yes, the erbium laser stimulates collagen production, which helps with skin tightness and texture.

Yes, the erbium laser is an ablative laser, which means it removes the skin’s outer layer to promote regeneration.

The choice between CO2 and erbium lasers is determined by specific skin concerns; CO2 lasers are often more aggressive, while erbium lasers may be preferred for more controlled treatments.

A person’s needs and goals determine the effectiveness of the erbium laser; a consultation with a qualified professional can help determine whether it’s appropriate for your specific case or not.

The erbium YAG laser treatment cost in Pakistan varies and depends on the specific clinic, location, and the area being treated. For a good erbium YAG laser treatment cost, it’s recommended to contact local clinics for accurate pricing information.


You might like to improve the appearance and feel of your skin. If yes, contact us at DFA to learn more about how erbium YAG laser treatment can benefit your skin. Book your appointment today to begin your journey to a more vibrant you.

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