Botox in Islamabad - What is Botox?

What is Botox?

Botox word is an abbreviation used for Botulinum Toxin. Botox is neurotoxin which is extracted from Clostridium Botulinum. When Botox injections are injected, it temporarily blocks the nerve signals in the muscles thus such properties contained in Botox are required in a vast range of applications.

Botox in Islamabad

How does Botox Injections Work?

In the world of aesthetics, Botox injections are used to smoothen face wrinkles and fine lines. When Botox is applied in the specific facial muscles, it creates a relaxing sensation while reducing the forehead wrinkles and frown lines, Hence Botox injection treatment gives astonishing results with effects lasting for several months.

Finding the Right Provider of Botox in Islamabad is the Key to Success

Botox injection treatment is one of the finest innovations found in cosmetics and it is no surprise in the rise of demand for Botox treatment in Islamabad however it has to be assured first that you are in the right hands for having safe experience and successful Botox injection treatment.

For having a treatment in the best place for Botox in Islamabad seek a qualified dermatologist, who has quite phenomenal experience and is well equipped to be an administrator for Botox injection treatment.

A good administrator will take time to understand its clients and will try to assess your needs and goals to make sure that you have safe and successful treatment.

Dr. Fazeela Abbassi, MD has a great reputation and has been in dermatological practice since 2003 with the postgraduate qualification in clinical dermatology from Saint John’s Institute of Dermatology, Kings College London.

With her marvelous experience and magnificent artistic capabilities Dr. Fazeela Abbassi is offering the best Botox in Islamabad. You can have effective treatments with all the latest resources, which makes treatment at DFA the best place for Botox in Islamabad.

Candidates for Botox

Candidates for Botox are as follows:

  • Dynamic Wrinkles: Common dynamic wrinkles that can be treated with Botox injections involve Glabellar lines, Forehead lines and Crow’s feet.
  • Preventive Use: Some younger individuals are concerned to slow down the formation and can have Botox injection treatment.
  • Brow Lift: Individuals who want a more refreshing appearance for their eyebrows can have Botox treatment. Non-surgical treatment will help to pull the eyebrows down which will open up the eyes.


Despite the use of Botox injection treatment in cosmetics, it is used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Use of Botox is involved in following medical conditions.

  • Chronic Migraines
  • Muscle Stiffness
  • Jaw Tension
  • Hemifacial Spasms
  • Overactive Bladder
  • Blepharospasm

Preparation for Botox Injections

DFA is concerned to meet the requirements of its clients, which makes DFA best Botox in Islamabad. To meet the expectations of clients, doctor may ask the following questions.

  • Medical History: Doctor will ask for a detailed medical history including any allergies or previous cosmetic treatment to ensure your safety.
  • Blood Thinners: Doctor may ask you for any use of blood thinners. Clients will be guided to discontinue taking blood thinning supplements to avoid bruising during treatment.
  • Skin Care: Doctor may ask you about your skin care procedures to ensure your skin is clean before injecting Botox.

Importance of Understanding Anatomy for Botox Injection

The muscles beneath facial skin consist of soft tissue. These muscles are responsible for facial expressions. They are arranged in a way that when muscles move, they make the skin above then also move. Contraction and relaxation of these muscles cause frowns, laugh lines and wrinkles.


The procedures at DFA for Botox in Islamabad involve four simple steps. These steps are as follows.

    1. The treatment areas are applicated with numbing cream.
    2. Doctor will determine the areas for injecting Botox by asking you to contract facial muscles.
    3. After determining the areas for injecting Botox, areas will be marked before the start of the procedure.
    4. Doctor will start injecting Botox in small doses with total gentleness.

Benefits of Botox Injection

Treatment at DFA for best Botox in Islamabad. The benefits of Botox treatment are as follows:

  • Helps keep the skin smooth.
  • Removes the fine lines.
  • Removes the wrinkles from the skin.
  • Used as an anti-aging treatment.
  • Lifts the face and forehead.
  • Enhances the facial features.
  • Treatment is non-surgical.
  • Use of techniques which involve little incision into the body.


After the treatment at DFA for Botox treatment in Islamabad clients can easily resume their daily routine tasks. There is no certain downtime for a client after the treatment, however the doctor may suggest some precautions such as avoiding rubbing or touching for your safety. There is also a possibility that the patient may feel minor discomfort and redness or swelling for a few days but it is only the case in 1 percent of patients.

DFA provides Botox in Islamabad with all the safety assurances and the client satisfaction is their utter aim.

Post-Treatment Care

DFA will provide you the guidelines for the post treatment care after the successful procedure. The guidelines may vary to the different patients but the common guidelines are as follows:

  • Avoid Rubbing and Touching: Doctor may suggest you to avoid rubbing or applying pressure through touching the treated areas to help prevent the spread of Botox in unintended areas.
  • Use of Sunscreen: Doctor will suggest you to use sunscreen to protect your skin from light exposure.
  • Avoid Heat Exposure: Doctor will also suggest avoiding intense heat exposure places as it may cause adverse effects on treated areas.
  • Hydration: Hydration is important to support and maintain the results after Botox treatment.
  • Follow Up Appointments: If required, the doctor will ask you to take follow up appointments to assess the results.

In case of any concerns after the Botox treatment at Islamabad you can always report without hesitation at DFA.

Applications of Botox Treatment

Applications of Botox in Islamabad depend on the conditioning of clients. The most common applications for Botox are as follows.

  • Wrinkles: Individuals who are in their 40s or the young ones who want to reduce the increase of wrinkles can have Botox treatment.
  • Hyperhidrosis: To avoid excessive sweating under both arms, Botox is injected to block those nerves which causes the activity of sweat glands.
  • Migraines: To avoid migraines, shots of Botox are injected to numb and prevent the excessive pain caused by migraine.

Cost of Botox in Islamabad

Doctors offer different payment options for the cost of Botox as different clients have different requirements for shots of Botox to bring out the desired results. The cost of Botox cannot be covered through health insurance. The general cost of Botox to have treatment at the best place for Botox in Islamabad ranges from PKR 32,000 to PKR 49,900.


Yes, Botox is safe for medical and cosmetic applications as Botox is reported safe for use from extensive researchers.

Botox injections have minimal pain as doctors use a 30g needle to avoid any pain.

Those who are pregnant, have a history of allergic reaction or have certain neurological conditions should avoid Botox.

Botox is FDA approved for cosmetic use, declaring it a safe product. Minor side effects like bruising can occur which disappears in few days.

In hands of an amateur or an inexperienced injector, serious cosmetic disfiguring complications can arise, such as:

  • Eyelid/eyebrow drooping/ptosis in case the botulinum is injected in the wrong places.
  • Facial asymmetry in case of Botox jaw slimming.
  • Eyebrow mal positioning.
  • In the long run, muscle atrophy can happen due to the over-dosage of Botox especially in the temporal area or around the eyes.
  • The body can stop responding to Botulinum toxin by producing antibodies against it if cheap botulinum was used for some time.

The specific number of sessions will be determined by the doctor based on your needs.

The initial results can be noticeable within a few days after the treatment from Botox.

The results of Botox treatment last for three to four months. With repeated Botox treatments, the result of Botox injections can last for longer periods.

The simple answer to this question is – medical professionals, dermatologists and practitioners who have the right skill set and training. It is important to choose the right dermatologist for all your dermatological and aesthetic procedures because malpractice can result in serious consequences. Medical professionals and doctors understand the human anatomy and through their apprenticeship, knowledge and training, they get the desired results with skillful and effective treatments using Botox in Islamabad.

On the basis of quality, qualification, customized treatments and privacy, Islamabad is one of the fine places to have Botox injection treatment.


Discover the benefits of Botox and unlock the secrets of youthful and confident you. Contact us at DFA today to book your Botox appointment and enhance your natural beauty to let your inner beauty shine through.

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